Understanding the client’s vision

Empowering humanitarian employees with seamless ride assignment

Every day, hundreds of humanitarian organization employees worldwide require transportation, often in crisis-affected or conflict-ridden areas, making organizing these rides challenging. Local branch staff manually assign appropriate vehicles and drivers to passengers.

Our task was to redesign the Transportation Planner to streamline and shorten the assignment process to the maximum extent possible. This tool aggregates ride orders, vehicles, and drivers in the form of interactive spreadsheets. It serves the organization of ride logistics, aiming to facilitate employees in assigning drivers and vehicles to passengers. Upon entering the details of an order, it should be clear which vehicles and drivers are available. It was necessary to handle a variety of different types of rides, and their editing should be flexible and intuitive.

  • Platforms Web Application
  • Industry Non-profit Organization
  • Services Product Design
  • Year 2024



Streamlining Process Optimization

We have streamlined the process, significantly reducing user steps while enhancing clarity through system-generated recommendations.


Dynamic Shuttle Schedule Generation

Introducing a versatile scheduler for bus routes, enabling the incorporation of repetitive trips into the system with a single entry.


Effortless Ride Management

Facilitating seamless addition of new passengers, creation of shared rides, modification of ride particulars, and establishment of recurrent journeys.


Unparalleled Global Reach

With deployment across more than 100 nations, our application facilitates transportation for over a million passengers annually, showcasing unparalleled scalability on a global scale.


Transportation Planner is a tool for back-office workers of a global humanitarian organization to assign vehicles and drivers to passengers' requests. We redesigned the planner in such a way that it immediately shows which vehicles and drivers are available for a given ride. Added rides can be easily moved using the drag & drop function within the planner grid. We enabled easy addition of passengers to existing rides and simplified the view of multi-leg trips. All ride editing options utilize a single visual template, improving clarity.


Number of passengers transported annually


Countries enabled with multiple transport options


Users from regional branches using the application


Simplified logistics, streamlined journeys, global impact realized

Match, assign, schedule, and track drives in real-time.

In response to the challenge of simplifying transportation logistics for humanitarian mission workers, we began by conducting a thorough analysis of the existing application's shortcomings. Through our analysis of user data, we identified the planner view as a critical bottleneck where users struggled to match passengers with suitable vehicles and drivers efficiently. This informed our approach to prioritize streamlining this aspect of the tool.

We devised a solution that focused on enhancing user experience by implementing intuitive mechanisms and visual cues within the planner interface. By simplifying user paths, we enabled most ride modifications to be performed directly from the planner, eliminating the need to navigate back to the ride list view. This improvement significantly reduced the time and effort required for users to manage ride assignments.

Furthermore, we introduced drag & drop functionality for added rides, making the tool more flexible and user-friendly. This feature allowed for seamless adjustments and easy creation of shared rides, enhancing overall efficiency in ride management.

Addressing the challenge of integrating a new shuttle service, we developed a comprehensive scheduler capable of handling both recurring and one-time rides. This involved creating an extensive form for setting up bus schedules, considering various factors such as weekdays, time slots, and holidays. By incorporating the shuttle service seamlessly into the planner view and providing editing mechanisms comparable to those for cars and minivans, we ensured a cohesive user experience.

Additionally, we redesigned various views, including request, drive, and shuttle lists, based on a unified template for clarity and consistency. This holistic redesign significantly improved the effectiveness of back-office employees in managing transportation logistics, resulting in expedited processes and enhanced overall productivity.

WFP Solutions

Unlocking digital success


Many types of transportation

The system had to support various means of transportation, such as car, minivan, shuttle, and various types of trips, for example, multi-leg trip, round trip, and shared ride.


Ease finding available cars and drivers

Matching the right vehicle and driver is done manually, so the planner interface had to make this process of quickly finding data as easy as possible.


Integrating new shuttle services

A new shuttle service needed to be integrated into the planner and reconciled with other modes of transportation. Additionally, it also required the creation of a comprehensive bus timetable creator, capable of handling both recurring and one-time rides.


Real-time tracking

All rides had to be updated in real-time by drivers, which led to new corner cases to handle and design, such as delays and overlapping rides.

Case Studies

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Explore our case studies to see how our digital product design agency has created transformative digital experiences through UX research, design systems, product design, and branding.

Web App / 2023 - 2024
Web App / 2021 - 2022

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