Understanding the client’s vision

Elevating customer experience: KFC Americana's quest to cultivate loyal customers

KFC wanted to create a cohesive and intuitive interface to cater to the diverse needs of its users. By taking a user-centered approach to both mobile and desktop experiences, they hoped to convert non-onboarded users to the native app, boosting customer acquisition and retention.

KFC aimed to remove any barriers that may hinder adoption and engagement with a well-designed system that would drive higher user acquisition and retention rates. Desired outcomes included streamlined development, accelerated time-to-market, and maximum revenue potential.

  • Platforms Web App, Mobile App
  • Deliverables Adaptive UX UI designs that cater to both mobile and web users
  • Industry Restaurants, Online food ordering
  • Expertise Product Design, Development
  • Timescale 6 months from design to deployment to the masses



Device Compatibility

The web app needed to address viewing height limitations and ensure seamless functionality across a wide range of devices, including both mobile and desktop displays with different restrictions.


User Experience on Low-Resolution Devices

The platform faced challenges in providing an optimal user experience for users with lower-resolution devices while maintaining usability for high-resolution devices.


Consistency in Ordering Modules

The key modules, such as menus, cart, checkout, and order confirmation, needed to feel consistent and intuitive across both web and mobile ordering processes.


Data Integration and Coherence

Our client encountered difficulties in ensuring seamless and coherent data points, leading to disjointed and siloed information processing.


We created a responsive platform to streamline KFC’s operations. A focus on responsive design ensured maximum usability on a range of devices, whilst image optimization and design guidelines improved loading times and brand messaging. With the addition of an easily customizable design system, our work both addressed immediate challenges and set the stage for future growth.


A responsive and optimized operations management platform

We built a seamless, user-friendly experience with a responsive digital platform

We developed a responsive, high-performance, and future-facing digital platform to enhance operational effectiveness.

We began by identifying key elements for the first fold of the website for maximum visibility, and focused on creating a responsive experience for different viewports. This ensured that the web app worked just as well on smaller resolution devices, keeping essential components within viewing height.

To streamline the design process and ensure consistency, we created a design system that unified elements across the entire website. This design system was also adaptable for future use, providing a resource that our client could customize as needed.

Through performance analysis using Lighthouse, we identified image load gaps and optimized assets accordingly. This improved loading times, particularly for users with slower internet connections, ensuring a smooth browsing experience.

Additionally, we developed design guidelines for the marketing team, enabling the efficient use of promotional assets across different resolutions, and enhancing brand consistency and messaging.

Overall, our solution not only tackled KFC’s immediate challenges but also introduced scalable and adaptable design practices, laying the groundwork for future growth and collaboration with other brands, in the customer’s portfolio.


Unlocking digital success


Enhanced user experience

Empowering users with the same seamless experience as the native app, both on mobile and desktop, driving increased engagement and conversion rates.


Expanded customer base

The percentage of KFC’s target audience visiting the platform and converting them into loyal customers has increased, with the option to download the native app for further convenience.


Web app with native app features

A web experience with app-like features offers users the choice to order directly from the web in the absence of the native app, resulting in improved accessibility and customer satisfaction.


Seamless order tracking

Building a seamless order tracking tool between the native app, both on mobile and desktop has created a consistent and reliable experience for customers across platforms.

Case Studies

See all

Explore our case studies to see how our digital product design agency has created transformative digital experiences through UX research, design systems, product design, and branding.

Web App / 2023 - 2024
Web App / 2021 - 2022

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